Orienteering Results for Michael Cox

Number of Years Competing

YearsFirst YearLast Year

New Zealand Badge Credits

Note: The 'Badge' column displays the badge type that has been earned.
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Auckland Champs 2009 Long Distance Day 2New ZealandM20A4MichaelCoxNW92.31ISep 20 2009            
Auckland Champs 2009 Long Distance Day 1New ZealandM20A1MichaelCoxNW116.54ISep 19 2009            
Auckland Champs 2009 Sprint DistanceNew ZealandM201MichaelCoxNW22.15 Sep 19 2009            
New Zealand Secondary Schools Champs 2008New ZealandSBC11MichaelCoxBIRK62.40 Jul 18 2008            
Auckland Champs 2008 Long DistanceNew ZealandM18A8MichaelCoxNW133.19IApr 20 2008            
Auckland Champs 2008 Middle DistanceNew ZealandM18A5MichaelCoxNW41.33SApr 19 2008            
Auckland Champs 2007 Long DistanceNew ZealandM18A5MichaelCoxNC104.06SSep 16 2007            
Auckland Champs 2007 Middle DistanceNew ZealandM18A5MichaelCoxNW32.53BSep 15 2007            
New Zealand Secondary Schools Champs 2007New ZealandSBC24MichaelCoxBIRK134.03 Jul 13 2007            
New Zealand Secondary Schools Champs 2006New ZealandIBC10MichaelCoxBIRK57.54 Jul 14 2006            
North Island Secondary Schools Champs 2006New ZealandIBC15MichaelCoxBIRK55.00 Apr 28 2006            
New Zealand Secondary Schools Champs 2005New ZealandIBC23MichaelCoxBIRK49.48 Jul 22 2005            
New Zealand Secondary Schools Champs 2004New ZealandBJC17MichaelCoxBIRK62.01 Jul 16 2004            

Number of Results = 13

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