Orienteering Results for Joshua Sheard

Number of Years Competing

YearsFirst YearLast Year

New Zealand Badge Credits

Note: The 'Badge' column displays the badge type that has been earned.
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Queens Birthday 2009 Day 3New ZealandM18A15JoshuaSheardXX50.12 Jun 01 2009            
Queens Birthday 2009 Day 2 Long Central District ChampsNew ZealandM18A13JoshuaSheardXX119.04IMay 31 2009            
Queens Birthday 2009 Day 1 NightNew ZealandM18A6JoshuaSheardXX66.16 May 30 2009            
Queens Birthday 2009 Day 1 MiddleNew ZealandM18A14JoshuaSheardXX39.24 May 30 2009            
New Zealand Secondary Schools Champs 2008New ZealandSBS2JoshuaSheardNAPB54.43 Jul 18 2008            
New Zealand Secondary Schools Champs 2007New ZealandIBS1JoshuaSheardNAPB41.02 Jul 13 2007            
New Zealand Secondary Schools Champs 2006New ZealandIBS5JoshuaSheardNAPB35.47 Jul 14 2006            
North Island Secondary Schools Champs 2006New ZealandIBC26JoshuaSheardNAPB100.48 Apr 28 2006            
New Zealand Secondary Schools Champs 2005New ZealandJBS4JoshuaSheardNAPB17.07 Jul 22 2005            

Number of Results = 9

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